Rieko Hotta: Non-physical and Floating Free – Marie Kirkegaard Gallery

Rieko Hotta: Non-physical and Floating Free – Marie Kirkegaard Gallery

Rieko Hotta: Plastic Humanity XII (detail), 2020. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.

Den japanske kunstner Rieko Hotta arbejder i sine nye malerier med at kombinere proportioner – for eksempel former og regelmæssige arrangementer – med det uperfekte, mystiske, ødelagte eller ubalancerede. Med dæmpede farvetoner bevarer Hotta det afbalancerede koncept, mens hun følger sin intuition for samtidig at ignorere og bryde konceptet.

Kilde: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery

Rieko Hotta: Non-physical and floating free, 2021. Installationsview. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Rieko Hotta: Missing time 03, 2020. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Rieko Hotta: Non-physical and floating free, 2021. Installationsview. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Rieko Hotta: Non-physical and floating free, 2021. Installationsview. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Rieko Hotta: In the black forest 02, 2021. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Rieko Hotta: In the black forest 01 + 02, 2021. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Rieko Hotta: Logic on the board 01, 2021. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Rieko Hotta: Plastic Humanity XIII, 2020. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Rieko Hotta: Non-physical and floating free, 2021. Installationsview. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Rieko Hotta: Non-physical and floating free, 2021. Installationsview. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Rieko Hotta: Non-physical and floating free, 2021. Installationsview. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Rieko Hotta: Non-physical and floating free, 2021. Installationsview. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Rieko Hotta: Covering with, 2021. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Rieko Hotta: Plastic Humanity XIV, 2021. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.

Rieko Hotta er født i 1977 i Tokyo. Siden 2012 har hun boet og arbejdet i Berlin. Hun er uddannet fra Nihon University College of Art, Department of fine Arts in Tokyo i 2001.

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'Rieko Hotta: Non-physical and Floating Free – Marie Kirkegaard Gallery'
