Jon Stahn: Book of night and black leaves – Marie Kirkegaard Gallery

Jon Stahn: Book of night and black leaves – Marie Kirkegaard Gallery

Jon Stahn: Space and time : Cycle of the year - June, 2022. Raku burned ceramics, 22 x 18 x 18 cm. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.


I Jon Stahns nye udstilling Book of night and black leaves har billedhuggeren opdyrket en skelethave. Her står nøgne træer, frøstande og sorte stængler tilbage efter sommeren. Haven befinder sig i en dyb søvn på tærsklen af det levende og døde, haven drømmer om sin egen undergang, om tabet af balance, sommerfugle og om skyer af gift. I haven snor lidt røg sig i fraktaler, spiraler, og marker slår gnister som festtrøjer, der knitrer.

Kilde: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery

Jon Stahn: Sceleton Garden II, 2022. Powder lacquered aluminium, 119 x 68 x 55 cm. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Jon Stahn: Book of night and black leaves, 2022. Installation view, Marie Kirkegaard Gallery. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Jon Stahn: East Jesus, 2022. Photography, ed. 3. 42,5 x 33 cm. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Jon Stahn: Space and time : Cycle of the year - August, 2022. Raku burned ceramics, 22 x 18 x 18 cm. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Jon Stahn: Book of night and black leaves, 2022. Installation view, Marie Kirkegaard Gallery. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Jon Stahn: Sunflower mask Willits, CA, 2022. lacquered aluminium, 37 x 32 x 10 cm. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Jon Stahn: Space and time : Cycle of the year - January, 2022. Raku burned ceramics, 22 x 18 x 18 cm. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Jon Stahn: The game (front), 2022. Redwood, 52 x 50 x 50 cm. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Jon Stahn: Alien woman (I'll be with you) (front), 2022. Bronze, 60 x 25 x 25 cm. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Jon Stahn: Book of night and black leaves, 2022. Installation view, Marie Kirkegaard Gallery. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Jon Stahn: Odsherredhovedet, 2022. Photography, ed. 3. 73 x 52,5 cm. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Jon Stahn: Black leaf, 2022. Redwood, 29 x 42 x 4 cm. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Jon Stahn: Take the power back (profile), 2022. Bronze, 47 x 12 x 12 cm. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Jon Stahn: Space and time : Cycle of the year - October, 2022. Raku burned ceramics, 22 x 18 x 18 cm. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.

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'Jon Stahn: Book of night and black leaves – Marie Kirkegaard Gallery'
