Shahla K. Friberg: One in the whole – Marie Kirkegaard Gallery

Shahla K. Friberg: One in the whole – Marie Kirkegaard Gallery

Shahla K. Friberg: Origin, 2021. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.

Shahla K. Friberg er kendt for sine tredimensionelle farvede glasmosaik-skulpturer og vægværker. Friberg har til denne udstilling skabt tre nye “lysmalerier”, der illuderer i retning af portaler og buede vinduer; abstrakte billeder af pleje, fødsel og genfødsel og de forskellige facetter af feminin kraft gennem tid og rum.

Kilde: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery

Shahla K. Friberg: Who’s water no vessel can hold, 2022. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.

Shahla K. Friberg: Sometimes when I look at you I wonder how I got here. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Shahla K. Friberg: Such an excruciating desire, 2022. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Shahla K. Friberg: Essence prior to existence, 2021. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Shahla K. Friberg: Unfolding within the question (back light), 2022. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Shahla K. Friberg: Shahla K. Friberg: One in the whole, 2022. Installationsview, Marie Kirkegaard Gallery. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Shahla K. Friberg: Small spectrum capsul, 2022. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Shahla K. Friberg: The Whether of earth or sky, 2022. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Shahla K. Friberg: Small spectrum capsul, 2022. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Shahla K. Friberg: One in the whole, 2022. Installationsview, Marie Kirkegaard Gallery. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Shahla K. Friberg: The Cosmic Nous, 2022. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Shahla K. Friberg: Mother II (tan), 2022. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Shahla K. Friberg: One in the whole, 2022. Installationsview, Marie Kirkegaard Gallery. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.
Shahla K. Friberg: Exploration in self-illumination, 2022. Foto: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery.

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'Shahla K. Friberg: One in the whole – Marie Kirkegaard Gallery'
