Jockum Nordström: Till Månen
24 apr 202425 maj 2024

Jockum Nordström, Två Vädersträck, 2023, 142 cm x 200 cm

Betalt indhold


It is with great pleasure that Galleri Bo Bjerggaard presents the exhibition Till Månen featuring works by the Swedish artist Jockum Nordström. This is Nordström’s first solo exhibition at Galleri Bo Bjerggaard and in Denmark. Jockum Nordström (b. 1963) is one of Sweden’s leading artists with a long and significant international career.

In conjunction with the exhibition, Galleri Bo Bjerggaard will publish a catalogue with text by Emma Rosenzweig, exploring the thematic and conceptual foundations of Nordström’s work.

Looking at Nordström’s work is like reaching out to the father commemorated in the tombstone collaged under the tree. It’s like looking at the back of someone who turns to you from time to time and sticks out their tongue.

In the exhibition Till Månen, detailed collages and a wide selection of sculptures are displayed, including Nordström’s remarkable matchstick sculptures. The collages are meticulously constructed with imaginative figures and objects that spring from Nordström’s interest in folk art, music, and nature. There is also a profound affection for paper as a material within the works. Both the collages and sculptures serve as a narrative portal to cultural references that challenge the viewer to explore.

Dette indhold er produceret i samarbejde med et udstillingssted som en del af udstillingstedets Artguide-abonnement hos
Kunsten.nus uafhængige redaktion har intet at gøre med indholdet.

Galleri Bo Bjerggaard

Flæsketorvet 85A
1711 København V

Tirs-fre 13-18
Lør 11-16 eller efter aftale

Gratis entré


+45 3393 4221

Jockum Nordström: Till Månen
24 apr 202425 maj 2024


'Jockum Nordström: Till Månen'
