Artists’ Picks
30 maj 202424 aug 2024

Galleri Bo Bjerggaard.

Twenty-five years ago, we founded Galleri Bo Bjerggaard. It has been an educational, exciting, and developmental journey, largely thanks to the fantastic team of artists and staff with whom we have been privileged to work with over the years.

We look forward to continuing this journey in the coming years, focusing on promoting the art that the gallery has chosen to engage with.

We have decided to celebrate the anniversary not with the traditional retrospective of historical milestones, but by looking outward and forward.

We have asked our artists to select another artist with whom they would like to exhibit. It has been an incredibly exciting process to follow and be a part of. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the guest artists and their galleries, who, through their participation and willing cooperation, have helped create a unique, diverse and high-quality exhibition.

Peter Michael Hornung has compiled everything into an essay for the catalogue: ‘Artists invite artists’.

We hope to see you!

Program for the opening Thursday 30 May:

5:30 PM – 8:00 PM

– Claus “Den Røde” Christensen serves stew and summer dessert

– Copenhagen Distillery serves various drinks

– Enjoy a cold beer from TO ØL or wine from Victoria Vine

– Music // DJ David Risley

Galleri Bo Bjerggaard

Galleri Bo Bjerggaard

Flæsketorvet 85A
1711 København V

Tirs-fre 13-18
Lør 11-16 eller efter aftale

Gratis entré


+45 3393 4221

Artists’ Picks
30 maj 202424 aug 2024


'Artists’ Picks'
