TRACING THE TRACKS ///// Gæstebud, Feast/Hospitality
3 dec 202018 dec 2020

Anbefalet under Det skal du se! Uge 50.

During the exhibition period you will see contributions from Amalia Alvarez [CL/SE], Minerva Cuevas [MX], Nuuk Art Museum [GL], Agnieszka Wołodźko [PL] and Barbara Katzin [US/DK].

Barbara Katzin: Handshaking Extender, 2020. Pressefoto.

We look forward to presenting an installation, posters and text productions – all reflecting in a current perspective on the theme of Gæstebud, Feast/Hospitality – a project rum46 carried out in 2003.

“We believe in hospitality as a necessary act in a society of social and political unbalance”.
Slogan rum46 2003.

We STILL believe in hospitality as a necessary act in a society of social and political unbalance, Slogan rum46 2020

TRACING THE TRACKS marks rum46’s 25th anniversary as an exhibition space with a series of exhibitions during 2020. On the basis of five previous rum46 projects we are providing a thematic inspiration and historical guided framework for 25 contributors divided into 5 exhibitions – we have now reached the fifth and final in this series.

Kilde: rum46


Studsgade 46
8000 Aarhus C

Ons-fre kl. 13-17
Lør-søn kl. 13-16

Gratis entré


+45 86208625

TRACING THE TRACKS ///// Gæstebud, Feast/Hospitality
3 dec 202018 dec 2020


'TRACING THE TRACKS ///// Gæstebud, Feast/Hospitality'
