George Koutsouris: Nature Symphony – Møstings

George Koutsouris: Nature Symphony – Møstings

George Koutsouris: A Gently-flowing Pond. Foto: Torben Eskerod.

Med udstillingen Nature Symphony inviterer billedkunstner George Koutsouris publikum med ind i en totalinstallation, der med sine maskinelle skulpturer og poetiske lydunivers stiller spørgsmålstegn ved menneskets forhold til naturen og vores konstante behov for kontrol.

Kilde: Møstings.

George Koutsouris: Nature Symphony, Møstings, 2022. Installationsview. Foto: Torben Eskerod.

George Koutsouris: Detalje, Rain-Waterfall Machine. Foto: Torben Eskerod.
George Koutsouris: Nature Symphony, Møstings, 2022. Installationsview. Foto: Torben Eskerod.
George Koutsouris: Branch With Birds. Foto: Torben Eskerod.
George Koutsouris: Social Tree. Foto: Torben Eskerod.
George Koutsouris: Detalje, Chaotic Flights. Foto: Torben Eskerod.
George Koutsouris: A Watery Layer of Branches and Leaves. Foto: Torben Eskerod.
George Koutsouris: Windy Birdflower I. Foto: Torben Eskerod.
George Koutsouris: Detalje, Chaotic Flights. Foto: Torben Eskerod.
George Koutsouris: Detalje, Ocean Machine. Foto: Torben Eskerod.
George Koutsouris: Rain-Waterfall Machine. Foto: Torben Eskerod.
George Koutsouris: Detalje, An Insect-Herptile Hybrid. Foto: Torben Eskerod.
George Koutsouris: Detalje, Moving Plant. Foto: Torben Eskerod.
George Koutsouris: Detalje, Moving Plant. Foto: Torben Eskerod.
George Koutsouris: Detalje, Windy Birdflower I. Foto: Torben Eskerod.
George Koutsouris: Nature Symphony, Møstings, 2022. Installationsview. Foto: Torben Eskerod.

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'George Koutsouris: Nature Symphony – Møstings'
