momentum, installationsview, Bricks Gallery, 2023. Foto: Bricks Gallery.
momentum, installationsview, Bricks Gallery, 2023. Foto: Bricks Gallery.
momentum, installationsview, Bricks Gallery, 2023. Foto: Bricks Gallery.
momentum, installationsview, Bricks Gallery, 2023. Foto: Bricks Gallery.
momentum, installationsview, Bricks Gallery, 2023. Foto: Bricks Gallery.
Værker af Noah Umur Kanber, momentum, installationsview, Bricks Gallery, 2023. Foto: Bricks Gallery.
Ava Samii: Altar, 2023. Foto: Bricks Gallery.
Dindy Blaze: Grand Champion Lepa Radic, 2023. Foto: Bricks Gallery.
Emilie Alstrup: Parahuman, 2019. Foto: Bricks Gallery.
Emilie Imán: A prayer, safe travels into your ripened affective intensities (juicy soft light and not to tight compression securities), 2023. Foto: Bricks Gallery.
Javier Alvarez Sagredo: Untitled (Lágrimas), 2023. Foto: Bricks Gallery.
Kamil Dossar: Soldierboi, 2023. Foto: Bricks Gallery.
Linda Lamignan: I came at night, 2021. Foto: Bricks Gallery.
Louka Anagyros: Sissy (gloves), 2022. Foto: Bricks Gallery.
Michella Bredahl: Manali in her bedroom, 2021. Foto: Bricks Gallery.
Noah Umur Kanber: The Invader, 2023. Foto: Bricks Gallery.