Unlimited Discussions (The Distance from Pontresina to Zermatt Is the Same as the Distance from Zermatt to Pontresina): Camel Collective
4 aug 20173 sep 2017

Installationen bygger på breve udvekslet mellem Herbert Marcuse og Theodor W. Adorno.

Camel Collective. The Distance from Pontresina to Zermatt Is the Same as the Distance from Zermatt to Pontresina, 2017

Brevene beskriver en diskussion om de revolutionære potentialer der åbnede sig ved studentbevægelserne i 1969.

Værket er en flerlags fortælling om forsinkelser og forskudt modstand og forholdet mellem teori og praksis.

Kilde: SixtyEight Art Institute


SixtyEight Art Institute

Gothersgade 167, st. th.
1123 København K

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+45 20665855

Unlimited Discussions (The Distance from Pontresina to Zermatt Is the Same as the Distance from Zermatt to Pontresina): Camel Collective
4 aug 20173 sep 2017


'Unlimited Discussions (The Distance from Pontresina to Zermatt Is the Same as the Distance from Zermatt to Pontresina): Camel Collective'
