Thomas Bang: Apparatus for Unstable Conditions
29 jun 202311 aug 2023

Pressefoto: Galleri KANT


We look forward to welcoming you for the book launch and exhibition with Thomas Bang.

This monograph provides a thorough overview of the work of the Danish artist Thomas Bang (1938). Essays by four Danish art historians trace his years as a painter in the early 1960s, his subsequent development as a sculptor in the late 1960’s and his activity on the New York art scene through the 1980s. Already in Bang’s early work, we find sculpture not defined as a static object but as a circuit where actions, interventions, transport and exchanges take place, bringing about processes of change, irregularities and shifts in meaning. Bang’s use of different categories of objects: apparatuses, tools and various forms of “memorials”, where the title, the nature of the objects and hints at narrative are linked in the works, is also addressed.

Strategies and developments in Bang’s production of object-based and installation-based sculpture from 1968 and in the following decades including his latest wall-mounted works are thoroughly analysed.

Galleri KANT

St. Kongensgade 3, Baghuset
1264 København K

Onsdag-Fredag 12-18
Lørdag 12-16

Gratis entré


+45 2946 6331

Thomas Bang: Apparatus for Unstable Conditions
29 jun 202311 aug 2023


'Thomas Bang: Apparatus for Unstable Conditions'
