Malene Landgreen: Motion of Matter
28 aug 202426 okt 2024

Malene Landgreen at 2112. Press photo.



The exhibition presents a new body of work with paintings and sculptures, made during Landgreen’s residency in Pietrasanta, Italy this spring.

‘During my stay in Italy, and through my work with clay and within the sculptural field, something new has arisen. The interaction with the soft and moving mass, became with the force of my hands like a fluid transition or a gate into a new dimension. I sense an insistent and constant movement that motivates me. However, I myself am overwhelmed by the fact that my sculptural experiments have been realized in bronze and marble.

A generously supported residency in Italy this spring, made it possible for me to continue working with what I had already started with my exhibition Flow of Change at Trapholt, and to produce in these noble and to me new materials’.

Malene Landgreen, 2024



Holbergsgade 20
1057 København K

Niveaufri adgang - nej
Handicaptoilet - nej
Gratis for ledsager - ja

Tirs-fre: kl. 12-17
Lør: kl. 12-15
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Malene Landgreen: Motion of Matter
28 aug 202426 okt 2024


'Malene Landgreen: Motion of Matter'
