Landlines / Linhas Fixas
15 mar 202427 apr 2024

Photo: Graphic design by Daniel Kang Yoon Nørregaard

Betalt indhold


The group exhibition LANDLINES / LINHAS FIXAS presents Brazilian artists working within a conceptual tradition who reside and work locally and within Europe.

Landline is a compound word that forms a drawing in one’s mind. It is a horizontal contour that cuts through space, defining the ground and the above. Drawing a line is simple enough, but to spatially define a void is an abstract thought. One needs to reinvent physics symbolically. A crudely drawn connection between two points is all it takes to make a horizon, to give the emptiness direction – a future and a past.

Where a line can be a communication tool between existing and alternative worlds, this exhibition connects a long-distance call between physical, social, and spiritual structures. The artists’ works touch on various themes, such as urbanisation, displacement, memories of technology and its social and esoteric relations.

The exhibition title refers to the undersea internet cables that carry data across the Atlantic Ocean, connecting the South American and European continents. The transmitted data, a non-linear stream of human interrelations, travels deep below international waters and beyond our awareness.

Approximately seventy-one per cent of the surface of the Earth consists of oceans, yet humans have only explored a fraction of the oceanic floor. Scientists have investigated far greater percentages of planet Mars than the seabeds on Earth. Our internet infrastructure – the arteries of modern globalisation – lies in absolute darkness.

The exhibition features works by Andreas Albrectsen (DK/BR), Anna Bella Geiger (BR), Tamar Guimarães (BR) and Kasper Akhøj (DK), Renata Lucas (BR), Otavio Schipper (BR) and Carla Zaccagnini (BR/AR).

Dette indhold er produceret i samarbejde med et udstillingssted som en del af udstillingstedets Artguide-abonnement hos
Kunsten.nus uafhængige redaktion har intet at gøre med indholdet.


Holbergsgade 20
1057 København K

Niveaufri adgang - nej
Handicaptoilet - nej
Gratis for ledsager - ja

Tirs-fre: kl. 12-17
Lør: kl. 12-15
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Landlines / Linhas Fixas
15 mar 202427 apr 2024


'Landlines / Linhas Fixas'
