Sofie Bird Møller: Untitled, 2010, (detalje, Courtesy the artist/David Risley Gallery)
Untitled, Sofie Bird Møller, 2010, Courtesy the artist/David Risley Gallery
Door to the Sea, Jill Mulleady, 2010, Courtesy the artist/David Risley Gallery
Poe-Naw-Grah-Fee, Rannvá Kunoy, 2010, Courtesy the artist/David Risley Gallery
TouaregBL162-2010, 2010, Stuart Cumberland, Courtesy the artist/David Risley Gallery
Giving Up the Ghost, Vanessa Mitter, 2010, og TouaregBL162-2010, 2010, Stuart Cumberland, Courtesy the artists/David Risley Gallery
Tissue Expander, Nathan Barlex, 2010, Courtesy the artist/David Risley Gallery