Marie J Engelsvold: I’AM…
31 mar 20225 maj 2022

Marie J Engelsvold. I’AM…. Pressefoto.

Marie J Engelsvold udstiller videoværk og installation

In the cave-like room, you will see a video work and an installation.

The video is showing a performance in the forest. J.Engelsvold has invited people to wear her art materials, to experience being totally covered and almost blinded.

How to navigate using solely your other senses?

The performing people covered in the various shapes of wood, textile, foam and yarn, might from a viewer’s perspective be in huge contrast to the forest. Like foreign beings on another planet.

But maybe the experience is different from within?

Kilde: Kunstbiblioteket


Nikolajgade 22
1068 København K

Tirs-ons 10-14
tors-fre 12-18
lør 12-15


+45 33136970

Marie J Engelsvold: I’AM…
31 mar 20225 maj 2022


'Marie J Engelsvold: I'AM...'
