Philip Grözinnger: The Unravelling
7 feb 202014 mar 2020

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In The Unraveling, Philip Grözinger devotes himself to the process of creation in his artistic production. The novel The Unwinding by the American journalist, novelist and play writer, George Packer has inspired him in his new series of works. The titled refers to a self-observation of how systematic and thematic research creates initiate thoughts, rough ideas and first hand sketches and drafts, and in the same time, how everyday experiences and medias influence them. It is both a controlled-cognitive and randomly influenced process as works turn out iteratively and the stream of thoughts is unravelled.

Marie Kirkegaard Gallery Philip Grözinger

For The Unraveling, Philip Grözinger has deliberately chosen to work in medias that are particularly suitable for the insumpcity of his world of images: namely works on paper, small sculptures and woven textile blankets.

Kilde: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery

Marie Kirkegaard Gallery

Holbergsgade 17C
1057 København K

Niveaufri adgang - nej
Handicaptoilet - nej
Gratis for ledsager - ja

Tirs-fre 12-17.30
Lør 12-15

Lukket i juli. Åbner 18 august

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+45 2012 3053

Philip Grözinnger: The Unravelling
7 feb 202014 mar 2020


'Philip Grözinnger: The Unravelling'
