Charlie Roberts: Windows
18 aug 201714 okt 2017

For his new exhibition, Windows, Charlie Roberts has made a series of 13 paintings which are all the same size and format and on the same subject; his most cohesive series of paintings to date.

Charlie Roberts Pet Shop Boy, 2017. Pressefoto

The paintings are of windows, each one leading to the next, giving a kind of movement through a city, from life to life. A window in the background or a reflection in a mirror in one painting becomes
the main subject of the next painting in the series.

The paintings are focused on women, the only man seen in the 13 paintings is putting all his attention on pleasing a woman. This is a city of women which we only catch in glimpses through windows and reflections. The viewer is voyeuristic, moving through the city like a camera or a bird. Always on the outside looking in. Even when the subject fills the canvas all we see is a reflection in her sunglasses, while we presume she has a clear sight of the viewer.

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Kilde: David Risley Gallery


David Risley Gallery

Bispevej 29
2400 København NV

Ons-fre 12-17, lør 12-15

Gratis entré


+45 26163671

Charlie Roberts: Windows
18 aug 201714 okt 2017


'Charlie Roberts: Windows'
